Meet the Staff

Allen became senior pastor on November 8, 2020. He was Ordained through the Assemblies of God in May of 2021.
Allen and his wife, Sherry have two children and four grandchildren. Allen enjoys hunting, fishing and spending quality time with family.
Sr. Pastor Allen Cogar
Johnny & Lycrecia became youth leaders November 2019. Teaching young people to grow in their relationship with the Lord and preparing them to serve Christ in all they do. Johnny and Lycrecia have three children and one grandchild. Both enjoy traveling and seeing new sites.

Youth Ministries johnny & Lycrecia Turner

Darlene, keeps up with the day to day finances. Her role is very valuable to the church. She safeguard's the church assets with timely reports and manages the cash-flow through responsible stewardship. We are truly blessed to have her on staff.
Office Admin Darlene Love
Beverly, is a born-again child of the one, true Living God. She is an Ordained Minister with the Assemblies of God. Beverly is a mother and grandmother that enjoys spending quality time with her family.
She loves the Lord with all her heart and shares her gift of teaching.

Ray, is a retired Ordained Minister with the Assemblies of God. We are thankful and blessed to have him and his family with us. We share Ray with the sunshine states in the winter, and we look forward to our time during the summer. Ray, offers wisdom and experience that is a real benefit to Living Waters.